While we do not do anything to proactively block use of our website on your smart TV, there's no possible way we can verify all configurations and TVs are compatible. We have found some success with smart TVs that have web browsers, although we don't guarantee compatibility and recommend you plug a computer or mobile device into your TV via HDMI to have the best experience.
The pageant has start and end times listed with it, along with a countdown timer on the main viewing page. We may adjust those times as necessary due to circumstances beyond our control, but we will always have the most up-to-date information posted on the website.
For the most part, all sales are final. In exceptional circumstances, we may choose to grant a refund. If you have a question or think you need a refund, please create a ticket by emailing [email protected]. Our live chat operators do not have the ability to issue refunds. As a note, we do not issue refunds for change of mind or accidental purchases.
It depends. We may offer a brief replay period within 24 hours of the event's completion for those who purchased Pay-Per-View access. If this is planned to be available, it will be noted on the event.
We list our current expected turnaround time on the Video Packages page. Our workload does increase during certain times of the year (causing our turnaround time to go up), but we always strive to have video content out as quickly as possible for you to enjoy! As a note, physical flash drives may take longer to deliver than the expected turnaround time, but you will also receive a digital copy via email for quickest possible enjoyment.
If your pageant is live or will be soon, for the fastest response, use the chat icon in the bottom right corner of the page. Outside of that time, feel free to send us an email at [email protected] or use the form below to create a support ticket.